This is a great inspirational story that teaches us to “Stay Positive” and act deaf when people around you discourage you with negativity.
This is a great inspirational story that teaches us to “Stay Positive” and act deaf when people around you discourage you with negativity.
Any business has one golden rule to succeed – “Customer is god”. This story demonstrates this concept in simple village setting. A must listen to learn about customer service.
Great people make great nations! In this this story we learn how responsible people can bring positive change to others around them.
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“Nepotism” may not be right for all jobs! This story serves as an example to prove this point. Listen to learn, why merit wins over nepotism!
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There goes the golden words “Treat others fairly”. One of the most important people skill is hidden in this story. A must listen for people who are experiencing aggression by others or themselves.